"Belichaamde ademhaling"
Opleiding tot facilitator
Doe mee met een unieke 4 weken durende ademhalingstraining: Leer de kunst van het vasthouden van ruimte en hoe je een authentieke en belichaamde ademhalingscoach wordt voor jezelf en anderen. Lees hieronder meer..
Surrounded by the Himalaya mountains, on the ghats of Holy River Ganga, will we guide you through a transformative healing journey where you learn more about the power of your breath, the art of holding space & your authentic way of guiding. We offer you during 4 weeks 3 different modules where we start with the foundation of becoming a powerful breathwork guide and slowly build our way up. The essence of our training is: you first get to know yourself deeper, learn how to lead yourself and from that space you can know and guide others on their journey.
*This is a trauma informed training!
Week/Module 1: Self-Awareness & Safety
In this first week of our training we work with the topics of awareness, safety and connection. In this week you will dive deeper into nervous system regulation and somatic work. Building a strong foundation for the 4 weeks training. The first step in transforming our lives is becoming aware of our patterns, conditioning and blocks we carry. Only then we can move forward.
Secondly, one of our most important teachings is safety: safety is the foundation of everything. When we feel safe we are able to feel deeper rooted emotions, we are able to open our hearts again and come into true connection with ourselves, others and all of life. As well, safety is the starting point when we hold space for others to heal. The third topic is relating, from a space of safety we move into relating and explore what connection feels like to us, how we feel in connection to others and all of life. How do you relate with yourself, your body and with your external world?
Week/Module 2: Authentic Leadership
In our second week we work with the topic of authenticity and leadership. What is your true unique voice and your unique medicine you came here with in the world? What are your deepest fears that prevent you from taking up your space and fully stepping into who you came here to be?
The topic of leadership covers a lot of layers, you are always a leader whether you are aware of it or not. First and foremost, you lead yourself daily through life. When we opened our awareness more to ourselves and internal behaviours in the first week, we are able to move forward with greater understanding of how we are leading ourselves and what we can transform to lead ourselves into the vision we have for our lives. Second, we lead those around us by being an embodiment of our values and philosophies.
Week/Module 3: Breathwork Facilitator training*
In our third week we dive deeper into breathwork. As we have laid the foundation for holding space for yourself & others we dive into more breathwork sessions in this week. We believe in the principle of embodiment where you practice, you experience in sessions and you learn through experiencing. You receive sessions and you give sessions as we practice on each other in this week.
Week 4: Breathwork training, integration & practice
Our final week will be a week of integration, reflection and practice. You will be practicing holding space for groups, integrate the big learnings from the weeks before and reflect on what you long to bring with you in your daily life. In this week there will be more slowing down & rest, as rest is an incredible important factor for healing and transformation.